Sunday Services at 8:30am and 10:30am


St. Michael and All Angels March 2025 Calendar



St. Michael and All Angels’ 2025 Bishop’s Committee


Regarding illness and infection guidelines, please see the link below for the current protocols for St. Michael and All Angels.


Our Mission

St. Michael's Church is committed to fulfilling the Gospel imperative to serve the least, the last and the lost. We provide excellent liturgy in our services and seek to provide compassionate care to all who enter our doors. 

Our Location

From US 281 in downtown Blanco, Texas, go east on Fourth Street (also known as FM163). Proceed across the bridge, and take the first left onto Singleton. The church is at the end of that street

Contact Us

Phone: (830) 833-3052

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 684
Blanco, TX 78606

Physical Address:
218 Pittsburg St.
Blanco, TX 78606

Find us on facebook: 

St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church serves under the direction of our diocesan bishop in the Diocese of West Texas.