Be a part of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church now and in the future through the giving of your time, talents, and treasure. Your gifts will support St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in furthering its mission of loving Jesus and serving others through Faith, Formation and Fellowship.

Giving Directly Through Your Bank

Giving can be easily be set up through your personal online banking. Most banks have an online bill pay option. You will have the option of either setting a recurring payment or a one-time payment. Your bank will write and send a check directly to St. Michael and All Angels at our mailing address: P. O. Box 684, Blanco, TX 78606. Use your name as the account number. This is your best option, because there is no charge to either you or the church.

Online Giving

To give online, please complete the form below. You can make a one-time gift or, if you like, you may set up automatic recurring giving on a monthly, weekly, or quarterly basis. There is a small charge to the church for this service, but if you like, you have the option to pay the charge so that all of your donation goes to the church. Your recurring donation will remain in effect until you notify us that you want to cancel.

Legacy Giving

It is also possible to support St. Michael’s is in the form of a remembrance in your will or estate plans. Unlike annual pledges that are fulfilled each year, legacy gifts are set up today but are designated to benefit St. Michael’s in the future. For more information, please contact our vicar, the Rev. Bryn Caddell.